Our First Family Picture!

Our First Family Picture!
Connor Riley 1-15-2010 8lbs. 2 oz.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Well... I am a new blogger so not sure where to begin so I guess I will start with a little info about our Family.
I grew up next door to my husband. We were friends growing up but never dreamed we would end up falling in love. I just never looked at him that way. We went to church together our whole lives. When we started High School our church opened a private school, which we both attended. I guess it was just meant to be. We ended up hanging out more and more. On Feb. 28th, 2007, We became a couple. Soon after we started talking about getting married. On 7-7-07 we went and got rings! We planed our wedding for a little over a year. On November 1st, 2008 we tied the knot! The wedding was amazing. I wish I could do it again! The planing was miserable but the actual day was perfect!
We went on a cruise to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. It was awesome!
Shortly after our cruise I started having pregnancy symptoms... but of course the pregnancy test kept coming up negative. One day I threw up b/c I smelled chicken cooking so I figured it was time to see a doctor. The doc did a urine test and blood test which both came back negative. But the symptoms continued and on Jan 4th 2008 I found out I was pregnant when a test finally showed positive. When I went to the doctor the confirmed I was 9 weeks pregnant... Which means I most likely concieved on our cruise... So much for birth control pills. They just didn't work on me. We were so excited! It was not part of our initial plan to wait 5 years, but still we were so happy! I was so sick... the morning sickness was so intense I didn't wanna get out of bed. When I was 3 and a half months along I felt the first kick... I was so excited! We made and appointment for our ultrasound hoping to find out the sex... instead we found out the most horrible news I have ever received... The baby's heartbeat was no longer there. The following day I went in for a D&C. It was the hardest thing I ever had to go through. The next month was filled with nothing but tears and depression. I never dreamed this would happen to us.
I wanted to try for another baby right away. My husband did not. This cause me even more heart break. We decided that we would until our one year anniversary to try again. So I went back on birth control pills. But once again they did not work. And on May 10th, Mother’s Day I found out I was pregnant again. We were both so shocked but again very excited! Then at 7 weeks I started having some light bleeding. Went to the doc and they said baby was fine. The bleeding continued off and on for the whole pregnancy… it was terrifying. On the plus side we had an ultrasound just about every other week a total of 26 during the course of the pregnancy. It was so neat getting to watch him grow. We found out we were having a boy on august 27th, which was the due date for the first pregnancy. It was a very bitter sweet day. We could not be happier we were having a boy. On January 15, 2010 I was induced! After 11 hours of labor (which was much easier than I expected thanks to my epidural and nausea meds) Connor’s heart rate kept dipping. The gave me oxygen trying to help unfortunately it did not help. The doctor ended up doing an emergency c-section. Connor was delivered at 4:21 pm. He weighed 8lbs. 2 oz. and was 20 ½ inches long! Turned out his head was crooked and the cord was being pinched with the contractions. He was also sunny side up. I was so out of it I missed much of the first day L .
He was a very good baby. Started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. Then when he was about 7-8 months he started teething. He has rarely sleep through the night since then. He is such a little booger. He is very spoiled rotten, but so stinkin’ cute! He is a momma’s boy for sure!
In December 2010 Thomas shocked me by asking if we could try for another baby. I said sure why not. And much to our surprise we got pregnant that cycle. I didn’t really have any morning sickness like with the first 2 pregnancy. A week after finding out we were pregnant I started having cramps. I went to my first prenatal appointment and they suspected a tubal pregnancy. We went to the er and they did an ultrasound and blood work. The ultrasound showed nothing and the hcg levels were very low. They believed it was either a miscarriage or just really early. The next 2 weeks I went in for blood work every other day. The levels continued to rise. We tried not to get excited because they were still not doubling. After 2 weeks the doctor said everything seemed to be ok. The next morning when I woke I realized I had miscarried the baby. I was not all that emotional. Not like the first time. But it was still a shock to the system. It still doesn’t seem like it was real to me. I was so busy with Connor’s birthday party and all. We decided to wait a little longer to try again.
It has been a very eventful 2 years. But we are stronger now than we were. And I firmly believe God doesn’t make a mistake and he is in charge even when it hurts. I guess this enough for today. Happy st. Patrick’s day!